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Health & Fitness

    Amazing yoga and releasing more toxins

    I’ve been here for three days now and experienced two full days on the Master Detox program. Things are definitely changing in my body. I was very sleepy this morning. I think the energy level has decreased a bit with the calorie low intake.

    girl drinking juice lifeco phuket

    I’ve certainly lost some unnecessary weight after coming here.

    life co phuket quote love your body

    Love this quote on the dining wall.

    I feel hungrier now than I did on the first two days. It’s in these situation that the detox soup comes to play. I’ve come to find it quite delicious now! For those of you who don’t know what the detox soup is; it’s a broth made out of (I think around 20) vegetables. They later remove the pieces so there’s nothing to chew. There are many natural spices to choose form so you can design it to fit your taste buds. Cayenne pepper is my saviour.

    detox soup lifeco phuket

    Natural spices for the detox soup.

    We had the most perfect yoga class today. There was no rain, and the location of the yoga structure is beautiful. It’s located right across a big pond and green trees and has open walls so you can hear all the sounds of nature around you. The teachers are amazing too. They wholeheartedly believe and love what they do. It truly makes a huge difference. I felt so open and refreshed after today’s session.

    girl doing yoga lifeco phuket

    I almost feel like a new person today, it feels nice being somewhere away from home and just being able to clear your thoughts and system and just relax for once. I think everyone needs a detox in their life.



    Starting my Master Detox

    After having a consultation with the detox expert today, I’ve decided to try the Master Detox program. It’s the strongest cleansing detox program they offer here. It’s basically vegetable juice with some fruit juice and Bentonite clay. On the side it’s also important to have plenty of alkaline water, detox soup (vegetable broth) and supplements.

    girl drinking juice lifeco master detox

    They do have other nutrition programs that are easier, but juicing will give you a better effect. If you cave, you can always step down to a normal detox, or a food detox where you will be eating a raw vegan diet.

    view lifeco phuketv

    View from our room <3

    girl at the beach phuket

    Beach walk early in the AM. Perfect exercise when you’re low on calories.

    This is the first day ever that I’ve only had liquids throughout a whole day (except from when I’ve been sick) and I got to admit I need a bit more time to adjust to it.  We also received some equipment to dry brush and lounge scrape. Will let tell you more about that later when I have some more experience with it.

    tomato juice phuket detox

    I love how the day starts so early here. Already by 12 o clock we had measured our body composition, went for a beach walk, had our breakfast, gone for a yoga session… It’s so productive and relaxing. We even managed to squeeze in 30 minutes in the infrared sauna and some pool time before heading to the mall in the evening. Remember to bring your juices if you go out as you all of a sudden feel A LOT more hungry walking past restaurants and smells from food stands.

    Three more days to go, I’m excited to see how tomorrow will be. Remember to follow me on Snapchat to get a feeling of how it is here .





    Enjoying the beautiful surroundings at LifeCo Phuket

    We’ve arrived LifeCo Phuket and have already starting to ease into the whole detox situation. This area is so nice and quiet and the staff makes it very easy to adapt to the new (5 day) lifestyle. Tomorrow I’m having a consultation with the nutrition expert so we can find a program to suit my needs.


    Green juice: Lime, Spinach, Cucumber and Celery. A bit sour for my taste but Tom loves it!


    The juice bar and seating area. The view is so pretty during daytime overlooking green plants and a large fishing pond.


    Getting a tour around the premises. There’s several pools, a large fishing pond, sauna area, massage and spa, medical clinic a gym, the lists goes on. I’ll show you guys more in the coming days.

    green salad diet lifeCo phuket

    Raw green salad with beetroot dressing.

    Today we’ve been on the green salad detox, having only fresh salads and green juices. We also went through a cooking class where we learnt to make some mean smoothies, sauces, and other raw and vegan snacks. I’ll be making some of these at home for sure. It feels so good to be eating something that you know is entirely healthy. Do I think a juicy burger tastes better? Yes, but it feels a lot better eating this. No guilt whatsoever.

    I’m not 100% sure quite what I feel yet, but I’m definitely feeling different. Might be that I’m hungry, low on sugar or it could be more energy from not eating junk.

    See you guys tomorrow!




    Detox in Phuket

    I’ve always been obsessed with health, feeling good, fitness and trying out different diets. But the furthest I’ve ever gone is cutting my calories which honestly haven’t been good for anything else than my aesthetics. I’ve been thinking on and off about going on a detox but never really found the time to do it. I’ve seen plenty of juice cleanses and deliveries available online but somehow I just couldn’t see myself withstanding the temptations of other foods while staying home. I’ve been feeling so tired lately, and came over LifeCo Well-Being Detox Retreat Center in Phuket, where you can go on a little holiday at a cosy little resort while detoxing. It’s perfect to keep your mind off things.

    life co center pool phuket

    Picture are all taken from their website.

    I’ll be going there for a cleance from the 7th and are doing it for 5 full days, I’ve already started preparing for the stay. I haven’t decided what treatment I will be doing as I want to talk to the doctor at the site to see what’s best for me. At first I was a bit scared when I was presented with the pre-detox list but after a few days off these things I’m already feeling better! You should prepare around 5 days before you go to both alkalize you and prepare your body for deeper cleansing and for the effect of the detox to be maximized.

    life co center detox phuket

    Things you need to cut out of your daily intake is:

    • Meat, dairy products, salt, sugar or foods with added sugar.
    • Fried food, or foods cooked in oils.

    You also need to increase your daily intake of raw fruits and vegetables and drink at least one raw, organic fruit or vegetable juice per day.

    On a warm day you you should be drinking around 6% of your bodyweight, so around 3.5 litres for me, this excludes coffee and juices. It feels so good to be properly hydrated and it gives you so much more energy already.

    Last but not least, no food after 7, only herbal teas!

    yoga detox center phuket

    So excited to be doing yoga every day, doesn’t it look amazing?

    I can’t wait to start on a new page and to feel fresh again! I’m really in need of this detox after the race and all the travelling and stress with school. It’s hard to control what you’re eating when you’re on the go, and often just have to grab whatever is available.

    I think the hardest part for me will be staying away from meat for that long. That’s never been done before. I bet it’s going to feel great for the body and conscience.

    I’ll be updating everything as usual on Snapchat, Instagram and on the here so you get to see what it’s all about.



    Maprao Organic coconut water

    If I could choose one thing to drink for the rest of my life it would be coconut water. It’s super healthy, nutritious and delicious. You can find fresh coconuts pretty much anywhere in Thailand, but there are times when you are stuck in the office, in a rush or just don’t bother carrying around on large coconuts. In those cases you need an easier option… and that’s where Maprao organic coconut water comes in! It’s organic, fresh, and tastes just as amazing as it does straight from the coconut.

    Maprao organic coconut water farm

    Check out how green and beautiful their farm in Ratchaburi is. I love that everything is being produced here in Thailand meaning more work oportunities for the Thai people and farmers. <3


    Can you spot me in the video?

