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master detox

    Starting my Master Detox

    After having a consultation with the detox expert today, I’ve decided to try the Master Detox program. It’s the strongest cleansing detox program they offer here. It’s basically vegetable juice with some fruit juice and Bentonite clay. On the side it’s also important to have plenty of alkaline water, detox soup (vegetable broth) and supplements.

    girl drinking juice lifeco master detox

    They do have other nutrition programs that are easier, but juicing will give you a better effect. If you cave, you can always step down to a normal detox, or a food detox where you will be eating a raw vegan diet.

    view lifeco phuketv

    View from our room <3

    girl at the beach phuket

    Beach walk early in the AM. Perfect exercise when you’re low on calories.

    This is the first day ever that I’ve only had liquids throughout a whole day (except from when I’ve been sick) and I got to admit I need a bit more time to adjust to it.  We also received some equipment to dry brush and lounge scrape. Will let tell you more about that later when I have some more experience with it.

    tomato juice phuket detox

    I love how the day starts so early here. Already by 12 o clock we had measured our body composition, went for a beach walk, had our breakfast, gone for a yoga session… It’s so productive and relaxing. We even managed to squeeze in 30 minutes in the infrared sauna and some pool time before heading to the mall in the evening. Remember to bring your juices if you go out as you all of a sudden feel A LOT more hungry walking past restaurants and smells from food stands.

    Three more days to go, I’m excited to see how tomorrow will be. Remember to follow me on Snapchat to get a feeling of how it is here .



