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    Detox in Phuket

    I’ve always been obsessed with health, feeling good, fitness and trying out different diets. But the furthest I’ve ever gone is cutting my calories which honestly haven’t been good for anything else than my aesthetics. I’ve been thinking on and off about going on a detox but never really found the time to do it. I’ve seen plenty of juice cleanses and deliveries available online but somehow I just couldn’t see myself withstanding the temptations of other foods while staying home. I’ve been feeling so tired lately, and came over LifeCo Well-Being Detox Retreat Center in Phuket, where you can go on a little holiday at a cosy little resort while detoxing. It’s perfect to keep your mind off things.

    life co center pool phuket

    Picture are all taken from their website.

    I’ll be going there for a cleance from the 7th and are doing it for 5 full days, I’ve already started preparing for the stay. I haven’t decided what treatment I will be doing as I want to talk to the doctor at the site to see what’s best for me. At first I was a bit scared when I was presented with the pre-detox list but after a few days off these things I’m already feeling better! You should prepare around 5 days before you go to both alkalize you and prepare your body for deeper cleansing and for the effect of the detox to be maximized.

    life co center detox phuket

    Things you need to cut out of your daily intake is:

    • Meat, dairy products, salt, sugar or foods with added sugar.
    • Fried food, or foods cooked in oils.

    You also need to increase your daily intake of raw fruits and vegetables and drink at least one raw, organic fruit or vegetable juice per day.

    On a warm day you you should be drinking around 6% of your bodyweight, so around 3.5 litres for me, this excludes coffee and juices. It feels so good to be properly hydrated and it gives you so much more energy already.

    Last but not least, no food after 7, only herbal teas!

    yoga detox center phuket

    So excited to be doing yoga every day, doesn’t it look amazing?

    I can’t wait to start on a new page and to feel fresh again! I’m really in need of this detox after the race and all the travelling and stress with school. It’s hard to control what you’re eating when you’re on the go, and often just have to grab whatever is available.

    I think the hardest part for me will be staying away from meat for that long. That’s never been done before. I bet it’s going to feel great for the body and conscience.

    I’ll be updating everything as usual on Snapchat, Instagram and on the here so you get to see what it’s all about.



    Why green tea should be a part of your diet

    I’ve never really been a tea person, but after reading up on the health benefits of tea, and especially green tea, I try to drink it as often as I can. I used to be a lot better at it drinking it every morning, but somehow the habit got lost along the way. So from today; I will change things around, green tea first thing when I wake up.

    There are so many nice options for green tea in Thailand, but the one we are using now we picked up from our travels through Nepal. It’s crazy how cheap the green tea is there. In Thailand I always end up paying 3-500 from markets or 300 baht from a little package of japanese green tea from Villa Market. Does anyone know where I can get some reasonable priced green tea here, please let me know.

    For Tom’s birthday last year I surprised him with a long weekend trip to Chiang Rai and we stumbled upon this beautiful “little” tea center called tea center 101 on the way up to Mae Salong. They have all types of tea and show you how to drink it, list the benefits, and also sells all kinds of cups, pots and whatever you can imagine it being possible to drink tea from. They also had some delicious honey we brought home. On the way out I saw they had some cherry wine that I really wanted to buy, until they let me taste it, it was so strong I didn’t know what to do, haha. They had many different makes of these too so i definitely recommend you to try it if you ever go there.

    While writing this post I went through my photo album from our trip to Chiang Rai, wanting to post some of the photos in this blog post but I’m going to keep it strictly to the tea, so I will be sharing it in it’s own post, as there are so many photos I want to show you.

    Since Tom is an English man, well at least part English, he’s always been a fan of tea, whereas me just drinking it, just because it’s cold or I’m out in the mountains. Somehow warm drinks tastes delicious in high altitude. Anyways, my point was, I didn’t start drinking it until I did a little research on my own about it and found the health benefits to green tea, or even tea in general.

    After reading it I thought it was dumb not to at least give it a try, and after a while I started to love drinking it.

    Not only does green tea give me a lot of energy, but I believe it helps with increasing my fat burning too.

    tea sets from thailand with floral print and grea tea in cup

    Got these cute little sets, for only 100 baht each… they make drinking tea quite a hazzle, but at least it looks fancy! The tea “pot” on the other hand makes it so easy, if you are drinking tea without tea bags, you just put the tea in the top part, push a little button on the top and if filters the tea for you.

    The list goes on and on but here are the top five reasons that convinced me.

    1. Weight Loss. Green tea increases the metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.
    2. Diabetes. Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage.
    3. Cholesterol. Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
    4. Blood Pressure. Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
    5. Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial. Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. In some studies green tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases.


    Are you also becoming a regular tea drinker now?
